Large Animal Services

Dr. Baxter is a bovine  veterinary specialist, having worked with cattle for over 40 years.  Both he and Dr. Robb provide quality service and exceptional skills to ensure the health and well-being of your animals.  

Large animal care in our facility or at your location can be scheduled by calling the office at 357-2279.  calving_checklist_button

General Wellness and Preventative Healthcare:


Physical examinations

Equine dental services

Vaccination health programs

Long term health programs

Nutritional counseling

Health programs for all species

Health certificates

Hoof trimming

Nutrition evaluations

Herd management consultations

Parasite Prevention and Control  Blaine_County_Veterinary_Service_Large_Animal_cow_vet_floating_teethjpg

Fecal parasite testing


Disease Testing, Management and Control

TB testing

Brucellosis testing

Lameness exams

Colic management

Emergency Medicine

Call 406-357-2279   24 hrs a day

Minor Surgeries and Procedures img_2169



Heifer spaying


LDA & RDA surgery

Rectal & vaginal prolapse

Freeze branding

Reproductive Services: Blaine_County_Veterinary_Service_Large_Animal_cow_vet

Pregnancy checking

Early pregnancy diagnosis with ultrasound

Twin diagnosis

Fetal sexing

Breeding protocols

Estrus synchronization

Artificial insemination

Dystocia management

Breeding soundness examinations

OB exams


Semen analysis


Johne’s Disease testing via feces or blood

BVD testing


Sick Cow Services

Administration of IVs (i.e. down cows, Ketosis)


Obstetrical work

Blood work